Contact us

Are you interested to learn more about us? Do you have an interesting idea and you think we could build it together? Do you think we could work together?

Don’t hesitate to drop us a line at the email address below!

Business Services

Str. 11 iunie, No 67-69, Corp A, 1st floor, apt. 5, Sector 4, 040171 Bucharest, Romania

VAT number: RO34437647

BRD Groupe Societe Generale

IBAN (RON): RO12BRDE445SV71082484450

IBAN (EUR): RO97BRDE445SV71082724450

ING Bank Bucuresti Centrala


IBAN (RON): RO36INGB0000999908681957

IBAN (EUR): RO51INGB0000999908681978